M.O.S @ Ladies Night
EUPHORIA presents...
MIX-TAPE @ Main Room - Open format is just that. DJs mixing any styles together. Nu Rave. Hip-Hop. House. Rock. Anything that DJ has the imagination to play. A fusion that is fresh... yet strangely familiar.
--- Feat. Patrick Oliver ---
Save The Robots @ The Deq - An innovation selection will break new sounds and styles to a crowd seeking something different. Expect the unexpected - this is our research and development laboratory, testing new global trends on the local psyche.
--- DJ N-Armi ---
And I forced by Hsien Waey to clubbing again...=.=''
That night, we all around 12ppl included Benny is going M.O.S and party like a rock star...
Again Benny forced by me to go...haha...pity boy
Before going to M.O.S, Me, Natalie & Benny having our yamcha session near Natalie house and send her back around 10pm++
After that went to Benny house and drunk about half quarter Chivas before went to M.O.S...
was really zhao tut that night...
In M.O.S,

I ♥ Hoegaarden so much...^.^
Back home around 3am and seriously forget what I did coz was really drunk...