Bukit Gambir @ Muar
Vegetarian for whole day because my dad is bringing us to Bukit Gambir, Johor to pray coz the temple is celebrate anniversary...
Every years, we will went to the temple once to celebrate that...
For sure this year, i followed my dad to go too...
By the time i reached there, is already 3pm and i saw the people is grinding the knife when they fix the knife bridge...more sharp then last time....
The knife bridge is their temple traditional that people who walk the bridge will be protected by god and many things la...bla bla bla... but than i just walk for fun...hehe..=)

The time i reached, they are fixing the bridge

The temple

Outside the temple

Me and my younger brother sitting outside the temple waiting my dad to pray

108 knife to make it like a bridge to walk at night time

Scary knife coz too sharp
At night, is the time to walk the knife bridge and lot of people is queue to walk...

My younger brother is the first to walk and he walk damn fast...
tak tau sakit...hahaha...=)

When the time reached my turn, i try to walk in faster because is very pain
but den block by this aunty...=.=''
She keep stop and almost give up but they don't allow her to give up...

My leg almost KO there

After finished walk...haha...=)
The aunty in front of me finished walk that time faint down...=.=''
It quick fun at there and i can saw some Malay, Western people & Indian also walk the bridge...
When the time we go back is already 10.30pm and my parents bring us to Melaka to have our dinner...So mean i spend my whole day at Johor and is a small village...=)
MOS Milkshake post will be update soon...
ok is time for me to have a nap...bye~~~
Enjoy reading ^.^