Restoran Penang @ Klang + My Law Assignment
I had nvr slp from Sunday till today....u know y???? is bcoz I haven finish my Law Assignment since the lecturer giv us b4 Raya.....The due date suppose is Friday but I ask the lecturer to postpone it till Monday...So, I rushing tis assignment from Sunday to today 5pm only I finished it....wat a tired day....=( hope can get high mark la....

Finally finished Law Assignment but den still got 1 more Programming Assignment, 1 Group Project & 2 more test....=\
Today morning still in relax mode....haha....slp till 3pm only wake and do my Law Assignment...
But my father suddenly call me and ask me to replace him to go to his fren new Restaurant Ceremony....>.<
At night, I went to the Restaurant in 7pm...*PUNCTUAL* mah....haha....
But the Ceremony start at 8pm...>.<
bcoz nid to wait for

Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Khalid Ibrahim &
Dato' Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to the Restaurant ceremony...
Below is the photo I taken using my phone :

Restoran Penang

In the Restaurant

I sign it b4 enter...^^

The buffet

Lot's of people attend the Restaurant Ceremony

The special guest Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Khalid Ibrahim

He just standing in front of me so I can take tis photo easily and shake hand wif him....=)